Studio office: Ovenecká 36, Praha 7,
170 00, Czech Republic
The Ego Child was created for the exhibition Summer Art Salon at Kodl Contemporary Gallery. The monumental work deals with the theme of the self. The craft-intensive hanging object was fused using a special technique. It is printed with a method of embossing dating back to the Middle Ages. It can serve as a wall lamp on which we can recognize a human face. The object is covered with inscriptions such as "ego race", "ultra fragile man", "bare ego" or "hot girls cold beer"- thus referring to the issue of the ego. By layering the glass, the artist achieves a drawing of the human face and also refers to the layered and ambiguous nature of the human personality, which is formed by the layers of experience, social formation, and upbringing.
Material: light object (cast glass)
Color: Orange
Diameter: 100 cm